Hillary the Hawk – Stephen Zunes
By Stephen Zunes Despite being an icon for many liberals and an anathema to the Republican right, former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s positions on the Middle East have more...
View ArticleMeet the Jewish Billionaires Shaping the 2016 Presidential Election
The Forward and Nathan Guttman Hillary guarantees Democrats will keep the U.S. Jewish vote Who are the 2016 Republican presidential candidates’ Jewish donors? American Jews: Living Republican, voting...
View ArticleHow the American Neoconservatives Destroyed Mankind’s Hopes for Peace
by Paul Craig Roberts When Ronald Reagan turned his back on the neoconservatives, fired them, and had some of them prosecuted, his administration was free of their evil influence, and President Reagan...
View ArticleSanders Changes the Rules – Israel Shamir
by Israel Shamir You have to pay obeisance to Israel if you want to become the US President. You have to swear your full compliance with Israel’s demands. You have to run to AIPAC (Israel Lobby) and...
View ArticleNeocons and Neolibs: How Dead Ideas Kill
by Robert Parry Consortium News For centuries hereditary monarchy was the dominant way to select national leaders, evolving into an intricate system that sustained itself through power and propaganda...
View ArticleTrump’s Five Questions on US Foreign Policy
By John V. Walsh Consortium News “Only Donald Trump (among the Presidential candidates) has said anything meaningful and critical of U.S. foreign policy.” No, that is not Reince Priebus, chair of the...
View ArticleSanders & Trump: Gatekeepers slam door on outsiders
by Finian Cunningham RT OpEdge In the ‘Land of the Free’, the Washington political establishment and its mainstream media echo chamber are moving by sleight of hand to select the Democrat and...
View ArticleUS Intelligence Veterans Urge Fast Report on Hillary Clinton’s Emails: “NSA,...
Consortium News, Global Research.ca A group of U.S. intelligence veterans is calling on President Obama to expedite the FBI review of former Secretary of State Clinton’s alleged email security...
View ArticleHillary Clinton: Electing a Foreign Spy for President?
by James Petras Introduction During her 4 years as Secretary of State of the United States (2009-2014), Hillary Clinton controlled US foreign policy. She had access to the most confidential...
View ArticleTrump as the ‘Relative Peace Candidate’
Hillary Clinton has shown no real remorse over her support for neocon “regime changes,” aggressive wars and belligerence toward Russia, leaving the oft-obnoxious Donald Trump as the relative peace...
View ArticlePutin crushes CNN smartass Fareed Zakaria on Donald Trump and US elections
Zakaria asked Putin why he said that Trump was a talented and smart candidate. Published on Jun 19, 2016 In response to Zakaria’s question, Putin declared: “Well, you’re a famous person in our country,...
View ArticleTrading Places: Neocons and Cockroaches
Neocons want a new Cold War – all the better to pick the U.S. taxpayers’ pockets – but this reckless talk and war profiteering could spark a nuclear war and leave the world to the cockroaches, writes...
View ArticleTrump better choice by far – Alan Sabrosky
Cold War Climate to intensify under Clinton, and to ameliorate under Trump. An exclusive interview with Dr. Alan Ned Sabrosky for Veterans News Now Alan Ned Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is...
View ArticleHillary Rebuffs Bernie’s Policy Demands
Eager to hold the political “center,” Hillary Clinton has budged little on Bernie Sanders’s policy proposals beyond nice-sounding platitudes, a strategy that could lead to clashes at the Democratic...
View ArticleRepublicans in Cleveland Applaud Trump Pick of Mike Pence
http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-07-15/republicans-in-cleveland-applaud-trump-pick-of-mike-pence Donald Trump Campaign Republican delegates and party leaders gathering in Cleveland for...
View ArticleDonald Trump and the Revolt of the Proles
The Trump phenom is about economic insecurity. This isn’t about ideology, or racism, it’s about reality; by Mike Whitney “ICH” (“Information Clearing House“) “Global Research” “For the past 25 years,...
View ArticleCrossTalk: Universal Bogeyman
Turning reality on its head. RT Published on Sep 2, 2016 Turning reality on its head. Candidate Hillary Clinton claims the woes of the world are due to a vast alt-right conspiracy – and it is run out...
View ArticleLemmings and Republicans – Alan Ned Sabrosky
So why are so many Republican leaders doing all they can do to diminish Trump and give the election to Clinton ? by Dr. Alan Ned Sabrosky For conservatives and Republicans, a win by Hillary Clinton in...
View ArticleThe Working Class Won The Election — Paul Craig Roberts
by Paul Craig Roberts The US presidential election is historic, because the American people were able to defeat the oligarchs. Hillary Clinton, an agent for the Oligarchy, was defeated despite the...
View ArticleCan President Trump stay clear of neocons in his Cabinet picks?
Will the Deep State undermine Trump’s agenda ? Can Trump maintain his independence ? Dr. Ron Paul chimes in… RT’S Peter Lavelle Interviews Dr. Ron Paul With the surprise election of Donald Trump, can...
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